
Loenbro CEO, Daniel Cowan, who has had his own children enrolled in Gravitas since the beginning, has a passion for providing access to the same transformational education to children of his employees as his children have gotten, so he orchestrated a groundbreaking plan to offer Gravitas as a benefit to every employee. Not only will this unlock doors of opportunity to the children of Loenbro employees, it will allow them to stay in one school even if they move between one of Loenbro's many branches around the country. If you are a CEO interested in replicating this model, reach out to Executive Director, Dr. Sean Riley.
Gravitas has partnered with B2THEWORLD to help new schools launch in war-torn countries. B2THEWORLD's vision is "fullness of life for the future of every child impacted by war." Their mission is "by leveraging the power of education, we combat the generational impacts of war." Gravitas will provide schools in countries like South Sudan, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Pakistan, and Iraq with curriculum and teacher training and invite some of their students to join our live classes and Passion Academy programs.
The School Affiliated with Renmin University - Dongba International School
Through its dual diploma partnership with Gravitas, the Dongba branch of The School Affiliated with Renmin University, offers their top students the chance to take Gravitas's most challenging humanities courses starting in 9th grade. At the end of the process, students receive a Stony Brook School Diploma. Past graduates of this program have gone on to USC, University of Edinburgh, and Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
KaiPod Learning
Gravitas has partnered with KaiPod Learning to give students the opportunity to take their online Gravitas classes while receiving in-person academic coaching and peer community. To see if there is a KaiPod Learning Center near you, check out KaiPod's Find a Pod page.
Harvard Human Flourishing Program
The Human Flourishing Program at Harvard’s Institute for Quantitative Social Science has allowed Gravitas to incorporate its resources into its Character Formation Program.
The mission of The Harvard Human Flourishing Program is to "study and promote human flourishing, and to develop systematic approaches to the synthesis of knowledge across disciplines."
A Better Chance
Gravitas is currently the only online school program offered by , whose vision is "To be the preeminent resource for identifying, recruiting and developing leaders among young people of color throughout the United States," and whose mission is "to increase substantially the number of well-educated young people of color who are capable of assuming positions of responsibility and leadership in American society."
National High School Ethics Bowl Bridge Program
Gravitas has joined forces with the NHSEBBridge Program to increase access to the Ethics Bowl nationwide. Gravitas will host the first virtual regional Ethics Bowl on January 21, 2023.
Hibernian Education
Through a partnership with Hibernian Education, Gravitas offers its custom dual diploma program to students in Foshan, China and beyond. Our first graduate from the program graduates in 2023.